Test №4 - pre-intermediate or intermediate level

Репетитор по английскому языку в Финляндии, частные уроки английского языка в ХельсинкиВнимание! Выполняйте тест самостоятельно, не пользуйтесь справочными материалами и словарями, не спрашивайте советов. Время прохождения теста - 15 мин.

Вопросы теста:
1. My sister …… her holidays with us next year.
a. spends
b. is spending
c. was spending
2. I’d rather go out for dinner tonight than ……dinner at home.
a. have
b. having
c. to have
3. The blue sweater costs $150, the white sweater costs $170. The blue sweater is …… than the white one.
a. cheaper
b. cheap
c. less cheaper
4. Ann won’t be able to buy that house …… she saves some money.
a. unless
b. if
c. as long as
5. By this time next year, Jane …… English for two years.
a. is going to study
b. will be studying
c. will have been studying
6. Let’s go cycling, ……?
a. let’s we
b. shall we
c. do we
7. James got ill because he …… in the rain.
a. has been walking
b. will be walking
c. had been walking
8. If you had studied harder, you …… the entrance exams.
a. will have passed
b. would have passed
c. will be passing
9. Michael …… be in hospital; I just talked to him and he said he was at home.
a. mustn’t
b. can’t
c. won’t
10. Alice works …… a nurse at the Central Hospital.
a. such
b. like
c. as
11. I don’t think there is …… bread left.
a. some
b. any
c. no
12. I wish I …… at Mike; he’s not talking to me now.
a. hadn’t shouted
b. haven’t shouted
c. didn’t shout
13. …… he is rich, he never spends any money.
a. Despite
b. Although
c. In spite of
14. The authorities …… rebuilding the houses.
a. are
b. are being
c. been
15. Do you remember …… that film?
a. see
b. to see
c. seeing
16. Dogs are very loyal pets. ……, they can guard your property.
a. Because
b. What is more
c. Even though
17. Her hair is not …… Catherine’s.
a. so long
b. as long as
c. long as
18. I don’t know …… Dan lives.
a. where
b. in which
c. that
19. It’s no use …… the hedges cut until next month.
a. have
b. to have
c. having
20. You …… me!
a. criticise always
b. are always criticising
c. always are criticising